Saturday, July 31, 2010

Frozen Grapes

The relentless heat of the mighty sun has been beating down on New York over the past week. It's hard to walk two feet from my doorstep without being hit by the incessant drips from the air conditioners that hover above. I love the sunshine, but I don't care for the extreme humidity that accompanies it. The sky is heavy and longs to be filled with billowing clouds to provide relief from the sweltering heat. My body is desperately craving a cool breeze but does not find comfort within the bone chilling conditions of my refrigerated apartment. It’s a constant battle; the moment I turn down my AC, the stifling heat consumes every inch of my remaining cool air. I am feeling stuck within this temperature controlled limbo, while striving to maintain the right balance.

One thing I am certain of is my sudden desire for cold foods. Cravings appear of the blue at times, but I like to think of them differently. A craving may be a hint from your body that you are in need of something. For example, a craving may be telling you that you may be in need of a cool down or a warm up. Or maybe the craving is actually a need for foods promoting proper digestion, or a masked result of dehydration. Sometimes the craving you are having can be harder to breakdown than others. For instance, craving cold foods when the body temperature has been drastically raised would indicate the body is trying to maintain a balance. The cold food will literally reduce the temperature within your body. Seasonal cravings are very common. During spring months many crave detoxifying foods, such as leafy greens or citrus fruits. In the fall, it is typical to crave grounding foods, such as root vegetables and nuts. In the winter months it is common to crave warming foods such as oils and fats. Aside from seasonal cravings, it is important to look further into unusual cravings. Consider what your body may really be asking for.

Flavor is a good place to start; then look further into texture and consistency desires. Here are a few common examples; a craving for bitter food may be a longing for nutritious food.

Bitter foods enhance digestion; therefore, the body may be calling for a nutritious food to cut through fat and stagnant energy within the body. The first bitter flavor many turn to is coffee and dark beer. Instead, try eating dark leafy greens such as kale and collard greens. I know, easier said than done right? Just keep in mind that your body will most likely be thanking you later.

A craving for moist food or liquid may be the result of excessive intake of salty foods or dry, baked products.

A craving for creamy flavors may also be a result of eating a lot of bread or crackers. When eaten in excess dry foods create a blockage in energy and can easily make us feel stuck. This state of imbalance may cause a craving for creamy, comforting foods. Try eating a porridge made from whole grains rather than reaching for heavy creams.

A desire for crunchy snacks such as pretzels or chips may be an indication you are simply not chewing enough. The act of chewing enhances digestion.  When you find yourself longing for that extra crunch your body may be telling you there is a slight imbalance within your digestion. Once you begin to look deeper into your cravings, it may put you more in touch with your body.

Lately, all I’ve been wanting is ice cream. But I decided to find a healthier alternative. My stars aligned and I found a friend of mine snacking on frozen grapes. I had never heard of eating frozen grapes alone. I am familiar with using frozen fresh fruit in smoothies, but I had never considered eating the frozen fruit alone. The moment I took my first bite my whole world of summer snacks changed. 

The inside of the grape is filled with a wonderful, sorbet-like consistency. The grape becomes sweeter when frozen. The skin of the grape creates a perfect “snap” sensation and suddenly your teeth sink into the grape’s velvety center. And as if this snack couldn't get any better, it's a good choice for your well-being. Grapes contain great antioxidants and their skin is especially nutritious as it contains flavonoids, as well as resveratrol, which helps maintain a healthy heart. 

To make this super simple snack all you need is fresh grapes and a freezer. Red grapes and champagne grapes behave the best while freezing. The green grapes tend to lack the wonderful sorbet-like consistency when frozen. Make sure the grapes have been rinsed. After you clean the grapes, just lay them on a tray in the freezer for about 2 hours. 

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